Welcome to Sugar Land Gliders!
We run a small sugar glider rescue out of our home in South Florida. We take in all unwanted sugar gliders with no questions asked. We
give them vet care and have them checked out, and depending on age, health and etc. We either re-home them or keep them. We
never breed rescues because We can never tell where they have come from or if they were inbreed, and because of what they
have already been through. All adult & young males will be neutered.
Recently when the South Florida Fair was here, many people bought sugar gliders from the EXPO center, thinking that
they were cute tiny animals, and thought they would be easy to care for like either a hamster or puppy. The sales people at
the fair showed off a very friendly and tame glider, so many people thought they would get one just like that, well it takes
a lot of work and patience to get gliders to be friendly, tame and trust you. They told the people who bought the gliders
that at first theses cute little joeys would crab at you at first but after awhile they wouldn’t crab anymore. They
never told people what all needed to be done to tame a glider and what kind of diet gliders needed to be healthy and happy.
Also they weren’t told that gliders needed a cage mate, because without a cage mate they become very depressed and then
self mutilate. Sugar Gliders are by far nothing like owning a hamster or dog.
They are exotic and require lots of attention and a good diet to live a long healthy life of up to 15 yrs.