Sugar Land Glider Rescue

Available Gliders

Available Gliders
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Theses are the available gliders I have up for adoption at this time, if their aren’t any posted, feel free to contact me and I will be more than happy to add you to the waiting list.

Available Adults


Hello. My name is Butters, no one is really sure how old I am, but they think I am about 10yrs old or so. I don't really do much, I love to eat and sleep most the time, I do love it when you feed me meal worms, and pet my head and stroke my back, I love being talked to and I will move my ears when you chat with me, I will also chatter back at you once you are done talking to me or you sit there are stare at me.



My previous owner kept me in an old rusted cage, and I slept and ate in a plastic container that was filled with my own feces, when I arrived here I was close to death, I was rushed to the vet and we were told that I had a calcium deficiency since I hasn’t on the proper diet my whole life. I was put on meds for a month and now I am doing well and don’t need meds. I eat very well but mostly eat and sleep. I am not for breeding, I have never had joeys or ever became pregnant.  


Available Joeys

None currently available