HPW (high protein wombaroo diet) Diet |
cups warm water 1-1/2 cup honey 3 scrambled eggs 1/4c High Protein Wombaroo Powder 2 tablespoons bee pollen
Eggs set aside.
In large bowl mix water and honey. Stir until honey is dissolved. Add in HPW powder, mix well.
blender add in eggs, bee pollen and 1/2 to 1 cup HPW liquid. Blend for two minutes. Add in additional liquid and blend
for another two minutes.
Pour into a freezer safe bowl with an airtight lid. Keep in freezer. Will freeze to consistency
of ice cream.
Feeding instructions.
1-1/2 teaspoons of HPW per glider 1 Tablespoon of mixed fruits 1 Tablespoon
of mixed veggies mealies for treats I also offer mine gliderade twice a week with the rest of their meal.
you have a breeding pair or nursing female increase the amount of HPW powder to 1/2cup)
The Basic BML Mixture
- 1/2
Cup Honey, do not use honeycomb, raw or unfiltered honey. Most store bought honey is the one to use unless it uses one of
the 3 words listed.
- 1
Egg (boiled or scrambled)
- 1/4
cup Apple Juice
- Blend
Well, turn off blender add next group of ingredients
- 1
4oz bottle Premixed Gerber juice with yogurt
- 1
teaspoon of Rep-Cal Herptivite vitamin supplement... I get this at Pet Smart. It has a blue label on a white plastic container.
- Blend
Well again, add next group of ingredients
- 2
teaspoons Rep-Cal Calcium Supplement non-phosphorus with vitamin D3 .I get this at Pet Smart also. It has a pink label on
- 2
2 1/2 oz jar of Chicken baby food. The jar will either say Chicken with gravy or Chicken broth.
- 1/4
cup Wheat Germ
- 1/2
cup dry baby cereal
Blend well, turn
off blender. Then you pour into a Tupperware bowl or ice cube tray and freeze. This should feed one glider for about a month,
feeding about 1 tablespoon per glider.
Do Not mix Fruits
or veggies in before freezing
I feed them:
1 tablespoon of BML then I also give them 1 tablespoon fruits or 1 tablespoon veggies. (Example Monday, Wednesday and
Friday they get fruits. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday they get veggies.) We also feed them mealworms 8-10 per day of the small
This is a great
complete meal. There are other meals out there. The important thing to remember is whatever meal you feed. Don’t substitute
parts of one meal with another meal.